Product Availability

  • In most cases, items that are available to add to your cart are in-stock and ready to ship. Please refer to the shipping tab or page for expected fulfillment times.
  • Some items may be marked as "Avalable to backorder," "Made to order," and/or show a lead time. In these cases refer to the information on the product page for expected fulfillment times.
  • For items that are sold out, please refer to the production calendar and the Q & A below for more information.

Q: When can I expect the item I'm interested in to become available?

A: For most items, please refer to the production calendar at the bottom of this page. This calendar shows when we expect to work on more substantial products. For some accessory products, production may not always be scheduled in advance and availability may be unpredictable.

FYI: If you do not see the item that you are interested in, then we do not know when it may become available (We're often not scheduled far out in advance and don't have a private schedule beyond what's shown!).

Q: Can I pre-order, back-order, or reserve an item?

A: We don't typically reserve products, however there are some exceptions to this. For example, if someone orders an in-stock Cirriform and wants to also order an out-of-stock Bug Shelter for it, if the Bug Shelter is expected within a couple weeks, we'll usually make arrangements to reserve one of the Bug Shelters and hold the order so shipping may be combined.

On occasion, select products may be available to back-order or pre-order. When this happens, that status will be shown on the product page. If you're signed up for the stock notification, you will receive a notice that the item is available to back/pre-order.

Q: Can you let me know when the item becomes available?

A: Yes. On the product page, enter your email address in the space provided to be automatically notified when inventory becomes available. If you don't see where you can do this, please let me know; sometimes there's a fluke in the settings and the field doesn't show. Please note that the email notification could get filtered out as spam. You can try to 'whitelist' to make sure the email comes through.


- For products shown on the calendar, you can typically expect the item to be made available towards the end, or soon after the period shown on the calendar. Sometimes, however, some items may be listed earlier in the period. For example, if the calendar shows that I'm working on tapered tarps, certain sizes may become available earlier within the period with other sizes coming later.

- Items that specify "ongoing production" mean that we are continually working on these items and doing our best to maintain inventory. If the item or a particular size is sold out, you can expect it to likely become available soon.

- Please note that you can change the month shown on the calendar using the arrows at the top.